
Mousie Theatre

Michel Foucault

About me

Cordelia's remarks on

"Michel Foucault:

Remarks On Marx"

Conversations with Duccio Trombadori

translated by R. James Goldstein and James Cascaito

ISBN 0-936756-33-0

UVic call number: B2430 F722T713 1991

My first impression:

Mr. Trombadori seems to be quite critical about Foucault's works, he seems to interprete Foucault's view as bleak, and hopelessly pessimistic:

QUOTES: pp. 19

[In Foucault's opinion] the individual is at the same time an "effect" of power and "the element of its articulation." - D. Trombadori


QUOTES: pp.20

[Foucault] limits himself to describing a mechanism of pure imprisonment: a "mapping" of power that would hardly know how to replace the antagonism implicit in dialectical criticism. - D. Trombadori


Foucault's role and politics